Extra details! (Second devlog)

Hello everyone! This is my second devlog of this game, and although it has only been 2 days,  I decided I had added enough to show you all. I guess I'll start listing what I have added. So, I have added: much more detailed player art, player animations, a different background colour instead of the usual unity (the engine I'm using) blue (I'm not sure about the updated colour, you can recommend a better one in the comments if you want). I have also added a highscore system, a way to reset your highscore (complete with some questionably cheesy animations), and I have also made a transition handler that makes any fade transitions a lot easier to make. Finally, I also made the movement feel a lot better, not because it felt bad before, just not as responsive as it should be, I found the jumping occasionally didn't go very high and ruined a lot of attempts for me. It wasn't too hard to fix, just a quick change in the character controller. (i keep coming back to this paragraph after remembering even more lol). I also added (probably too much) post-processing. It's probably a bit early to do this, but I thought I might as well while I remember.

Anyway, that's all I can remember making since the last devlog, feel free to try out the new build of the game. I'm hoping to make a lot more art by the next devlog and I want to make the buttons throughout the game look a lot better because I kinda think the default Unity UI sprite is looking pretty bad. I also might tone down the post-processing a bit. But I think that's about it. See you in the next devlog!


Build2EndlessTowerPlatformer.zip 20 MB
Apr 07, 2021

Get Endless Tower Platformer


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(1 edit)

Nice, I'll check it out soon

Ah, I noticed a big build problem. In the zip file there is a folder called Infinite Tower Platformer_Data but your .exe is named build 2.exe. You need to change Infinite Tower Platformer_Data to Build 2_Data or Unity can't load it properly.

(1 edit)

Oh thanks for telling me! I was kinda worried about renaming stuff but I did it anyway, thanks for telling me and I'll get another build soon!

EDIT: I've uploaded the new build with it actually working this time. If there's anything else, don't hesitate to say!