First Devlog! (Probably not gonna be loads!)

Hello to anyone reading this,

This is my first devlog for this endless tower platformer game I'm making. There isn't much to say in this apart from what I've made so far and what I want to do in future.

So as of writing this I started the project this morning, and it has been about 6 hours since I started. This is a list of what I can remember making: A menu (just two buttons), a moving player, an auto-scrolling camera, a way for the camera to speed up if the player has gotten to the top of the screen, a platform spawner that makes sure the platforms are equally spaced apart and makes sure that they aren't too far away from the last platform, an endscreen after the player can't catch up with the camera and a score system based on the Y position of the player. All of this sounds like a lot more than it actually is, if I made a bit of art and animation, I'm sure this would look a lot better.

What I hope to implement next: A highscore system, much more art, animations for the character and much better looking menus and endcreen (which I guess kinda falls under art). Anyway, that's all I can think of for now so I guess I'll see you in the next devlog!

Files 17 MB
Apr 05, 2021

Get Endless Tower Platformer


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Nice, what engine are you using?

I'm using Unity, I don't have much experience as I only really started getting into it about 1 or 2 months ago, but I'm really hopeful for everything in the future! Thanks for reading!

I have a year expirience with unity and I enjoy using it. If you have any questions just ask me!